Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bangor Humane Society Approaches Goal of 1,200 Adopted ...

Bangor - The Bangor Humane Society said 'yes' to a challenge by the ASPCA to adopt out 1,200 animals from its shelter.

That was two months ago, and now the Bangor shelter is less than two hundred pets away from that goal.

The shelter has another big push planned for this weekend, with extended hours and special promotions, and they'd like you to take part in a nation-wide contest that can really pay off the for shelter.

Just go online and vote for the Bangor Humane Society.

Go to and click on the Rachel Ray 100K Challenge link.

You can vote daily through next Wednesday.

If Bangor's shelter gets enough votes, it wins $25,000.

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Just a little duck looking for a partner~

Hello! I'm Ducky! I'm a duck, and my human typist and I are looking for someone to rp with! My typist is a student (she does high school AND college, right now, so she gets kind of busy), so she can't always be on her computer, but she gets on as much as she can, and will always try to get in a post at least once a day! Some days, though, she just can't get on to type up posts for either of us, and she asks that you be patient and understanding. We'll be patient with you if you do the same for us. :)

No, on to the good stuff. We're looking for a couple of partners, so don't be shy! If we don't have time, we'll politely tell you, I promise. I really like fantasy and action such, but my human likes realistic and historical plots. Either way, I think one of us would be a great fit for you! We both really like romance (we are both female, after all), but it isn't necessary for the plot, generally though, we like it to be there. Though a completely platonic rp is more than welcome. The typist and I can play both male and female characters, with straight and homosexual (yes, gay or lesbian) relationships being possible. But the typist doesn't write sex scenes... Ever.

Th typist and I have storylines, not pairings, so romance can either be added or ignored. However, we simply have too many stories to list out here, and we don't want to type out a few for you to see. Why? Because we don't want you to just pick one out and say you want to do it. We want to work with you to make the plot belong to you, as well!

The typist says she generally writes anywhere between 4 and 7 paragraphs, though she occasionally will write more of less than that depending on what you give her, and her level of inspiration. But don't let that scare you! She's a real quality over quantity type! So if you can only write a paragraph or two, but write them really well, she'd still love to rp with you! She's really nice, and only bites when she feels threatened, so don't be afraid to talk with her! So reply here or send me a message if you want to rp with us!

Hope to hear from you!
-Ducky (and her typist)


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama on marathon tour; Romney runs across Ohio

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) ? A scratchy-voiced President Barack Obama powered through a marathon drive to get his supporters to vote Thursday and planned to set an example by becoming the first president to cast his own ballot ahead of time. Republican Mitt Romney spent one of the precious 12 days before Election Day entirely focused on the Rust Belt battleground of Ohio.

With a new Associated Press-GfK poll showing Romney has erased Obama's 16-point advantage among women, the president tried to keep a GOP abortion controversy alive. Obama repeatedly made a veiled reference to Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's comment that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended."

"We've seen again this week, I don't think any male politicians should be making health care decisions for women," Obama said. His campaign also has been intensifying its criticism of Romney for refusing to pull his support for Mourdock, even though the Republican presidential nominee said he disagrees with Mourdock's comment.

Romney tried to avoid the subject. While picking up breakfast at a downtown Cincinnati diner on Thursday, Romney refused to answer repeated questions from reporters standing nearby about Mourdock's comment and whether he would call for Mourdock to take down a TV ad Romney filmed for him earlier this week.

At a rally later at the Jet Machine manufacturing company, Romney didn't mention anything about abortion but spoke repeatedly about the choices facing American families. He said seniors on Medicare would struggle to find doctors if Obama is re-elected, daughters would face crushing college loan debt and parents would lose choices about where to educate their children.

"This election is not about me. It's not about the Republican Party," Romney told a crowd estimated at 3,000. "It's about America. And it's about your family."

Romney's campaign reached out to women by sending Ann Romney on daytime's "Rachael Ray" show, where she prepared her meatloaf cakes recipe and took cameras along on a trip to Costco to shop in bulk for family gatherings. Mrs. Romney said that, with 30 mouths to feed, her family always eats buffet-style and that "Mitt is often at the front of the line."

Romney was on a daylong swing through three Ohio towns, sharpening his focus on a state critical to his hopes of winning the White House. The Republican's advisers say their internal data has him tied to win the state's 18 Electoral College votes, but public polling has shown Obama with a slim lead.

Obama, in the midst of a four-state blitz on Thursday, also was scheduled to finish his day in Ohio. Shortly after Romney concludes his evening remarks in Defiance, the president was set to appear 150 miles to the east in Cleveland.

Virginia also got attention from both campaigns on an unseasonably warm October day, with Obama drawing a massive crowd estimated at 15,000 to Richmond's Byrd Park while GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan spoke before a smaller group at the opposite end of the state in Appalachian coal country. Ryan told the audience of about 1,500 that winning a close race won't be enough for the GOP ticket.

"The worst thing that could happen is President Obama gets re-elected and we have more of the same with a debt crisis," Ryan said. "The second worst thing that could happen is we get elected by default, without a mandate."

The AP-GfK poll released Thursday shows the presidential race still a virtual dead heat nationally, with Romney favored by 47 percent of likely voters and Obama by 45 percent. That result is within the poll's 4.2-point margin of error.

Although national polls show the race is close, Romney is struggling to overtake Obama in the state-by-state march to racking up the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory. Romney has far fewer paths to reaching that threshold than Obama, who starts with more states ? and more Electoral College votes ? in his win column. The race is centered on just nine states, where polls show competitive races: Ohio, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada and Wisconsin.

The president's morning rally kicked off the second day of his 40-hour battleground state blitz. Shortly after 7 a.m. and less than five hours after ending his day in Las Vegas, Obama was at a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop near downtown Tampa, and minutes later delivered the still warm doughnuts to a nearby firehouse. He said he wanted to come by early ? noting he is not often out this early ? to thank them for all they do.

Obama then spoke to about 8,500 people at a morning rally in Tampa, a swing area of battleground state Florida. With a full day of campaigning still ahead of him, Obama's voice was already hoarse. But he told the enthusiastic crowd he was "just going to keep on keeping on until every single person out there who needs to vote is going to go vote."

He noted to cheers that he was going to Chicago later Thursday to participate in early voting and that first lady Michelle Obama already mailed in her ballot. Obama campaign spokesman Jennifer Psaki said they hoped his example would send a message to others in early voting states that they should do so as well.

About 7.2 million people have already cast early ballots, either by mail or in person, according to the United States Elections Project at George Mason University. In all, about 35 percent of the electorate is expected to vote before Election Day, a small increase over 2008.

Obama's campaign also announced joint rallies Monday with Bill Clinton in Orlando, Fla., Youngstown, Ohio, and Prince William County, Va. The president also picked up an endorsement from former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who supported Obama in 2008. Powell praised Obama's handling of the economic recovery, telling "CBS This Morning:" ''I think we've begun to come out of the dive and we're gaining altitude." Obama told his Virginia audience that he was "proud and humbled" to get Powell's support.


Pickler reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Cincinnati, Philip Elliott in Bristol, Va., and Julie Pace and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.


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Father of shot Pakistani girl arrives in Britain

In this undated handout photo issued by Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Birmingham, England, on Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, Malala Yousufzai in her hospital bed, poses for a photograph, with her father Ziauddin, second right accompanied by her two younger brothers Atal, right and Khushal, centre. The father of a 15-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban described his daughter?s survival and recovery as miraculous Friday, calling her shooting a turning point for Pakistan. Malala Yousufzai is recovering at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where she was flown for treatment and protection from Taliban threats after she was shot on Oct. 9 in northwestern Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, flew to the U.K. to be by her side. (AP Photo/ Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)

In this undated handout photo issued by Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Birmingham, England, on Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, Malala Yousufzai in her hospital bed, poses for a photograph, with her father Ziauddin, second right accompanied by her two younger brothers Atal, right and Khushal, centre. The father of a 15-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban described his daughter?s survival and recovery as miraculous Friday, calling her shooting a turning point for Pakistan. Malala Yousufzai is recovering at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where she was flown for treatment and protection from Taliban threats after she was shot on Oct. 9 in northwestern Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, flew to the U.K. to be by her side. (AP Photo/ Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)

LONDON (AP) ? The father of a 15-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban described his daughter's survival and recovery as miraculous Friday, and said her shooting was a turning point for Pakistan.

Malala Yousufzai is recovering at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where she was flown for treatment and protection from Taliban threats after she was shot on Oct. 9 in northwestern Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, flew to the U.K. to be by her side.

"When she fell, the world stood," he said of Malala, respected internationally as an activist for girls' education. "She will rise again, she will stand again. She can stand now."

He said he initially feared he would need to prepare for his daughter's funeral and that her recovery was "a miracle for us."

"She is recovering at an encouraging speed and we are very happy," he told a news conference in Birmingham.

He expressed gratitude for prayers and well-wishes from all over the world, saying the outpouring united Pakistan in condemnation.

A Taliban gunman shot Malala as she was in a school bus on her way home from school in the Swat Valley city of Mingora. Two other girls were injured in the attack.

She was airlifted to a hospital in Britain on Oct. 15. The Taliban have vowed to kill her, raising questions about whether it would be safe for her to return but her father rejected reports the family might seek asylum abroad.

Since she was shot, Malala has become a hero both at home and internationally, although her work in speaking out against Taliban atrocities and advocating for girls' education has long been respected and known beyond her native Swat Valley.

The family were reunited Thursday night.

"I love her and last night when we met her there were tears in our eyes out of happiness," Ziauddin Yousufzai said Friday. "We all cried a little bit."

Associated Press


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UK recession over as economy grows 1 pct in Q3

Workers walk across London Bridge on their way to the City of London, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Britain's economy grew by a bigger than expected 1 per cent between July and September, ending a shallow nine-month recession.The figure announced Thursday by the Office for National Statistics beat the market consensus forecast of 0.6 per cent growth. Tower Bridge can be seen in the background. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

Workers walk across London Bridge on their way to the City of London, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Britain's economy grew by a bigger than expected 1 per cent between July and September, ending a shallow nine-month recession.The figure announced Thursday by the Office for National Statistics beat the market consensus forecast of 0.6 per cent growth. Tower Bridge can be seen in the background. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

Construction cranes are seen in the City of London, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Britain's economy grew by a bigger than expected 1 per cent between July and September, ending a shallow nine-month recession. The figure announced Thursday by the Office for National Statistics beat the market consensus forecast of 0.6 per cent growth. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

Workers walk across London Bridge to their work places in the City of London, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Britain's economy emerged from its nine-month recession in the July to September quarter, when spending on the Olympics helped it grow by a bigger than expected 1 percent, according to official figures released Thursday. The number published by the Office for National Statistics beat the market consensus forecast of 0.6 percent growth and will make the Bank of England less likely to approve a further round of economic stimulus in November, analysts say. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

(AP) ? Britain's economy emerged from its nine-month recession in the July to September quarter, when spending on the Olympics helped it grow by a bigger than expected 1 percent, according to official figures released Thursday.

The number published by the Office for National Statistics beat the market consensus forecast of 0.6 percent growth and will make the Bank of England less likely to approve a further round of economic stimulus in November, analysts say.

The ONS said the result was the strongest quarterly growth in five years, bringing economic output back to the same level of a year ago. It is a first estimate and is subject to revision.

Prime Minister David Cameron, in a message on Twitter, said there was still much to do "but these GDP figures show we are on the right track, and our economy is healing."

Ed Balls, economic spokesman for the opposition Labour Party, said the economy remained "very weak" and there was "no time for complacency."

The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games likely gave the economy a boost, helping employment agencies, the entertainment sector and accommodation, the ONS said, though it gave no estimate of the total impact.

It did say that sales of Olympic tickets that occurred in 2011 and earlier in 2012 ? the ones it statistically allocated to third-quarter economic output ? accounted for 0.2 points of the rise in GDP.

Most analysts warned that beyond these one-time effects, the economy remains weak.

"As the Olympic effects unwind, it is still possible that the economy contracts again in the fourth quarter," said Vicky Redwood, chief UK economist at Capital Economics.

Others argued that the simple fact the economy grew is good news at a time when many European countries are sliding deeper into recession. About half of the nearby eurozone's 17 economies are in recession and even the largest, like Germany and France, are weakening.

Nida Ali, economic advisor to the Ernst & Young ITEM Club, estimated that when factoring out the one-time boosts, Britain's underlying growth was 0.3 percent, "which is really encouraging, particularly in the difficult external environment."

A breakdown of the ONS figures showed that the dominant services sector, which shrank by 0.1 percent in the second quarter, led the rebound with 1.3 percent growth. Production industries including manufacturing grew by 1 percent but construction activity fell 2.5 percent.

Associated Press


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Review: Rara Nepalese Restaurant in Kew ? Totally Richmond

Over the last ten years we?ve seen a quiet revolution in Indian-style restaurants. ?It wasn?t so long ago that you would only go to an Indian restaurant if you wanted a cheap night out, where loud behaviour was accepted, and where the quality of the food was secondary.

Richmond Borough now has a good number of establishments that have pushed away from this approach and started to offer posh indian food in contemporary surroundings with quality service ? essentially becoming modern restaurants that happen to offer Indian food. ?Some of the best, in our opinion, include Prem in Teddington, Tangawizi in East Twickenham / Richmond and Moidul?s Rawalpindi and the Sheesh Mahal in Twickenham. ?But we just added a new place to our list of favourites.

Rara in Sandycombe Road in Kew (020 8332 1020) presents itself as ?Nepalese Dining? but fundamentally it?s Indian food. ?The Nepal connection comes from the owners who set up the business seven years ago. ?The dining area is on two levels, both relatively small, but?tastefully?decorated in a modern modern-yet-classic style that you often see if you look through the windows of the expensive Victorian houses through Barnes, Richmond and Kew.

The traditional chutney and poppadums were both very light and tasty and accompanied by freshly chopped raw carrots and cucumbers. ? It was a great pleasure to bite into something healthy and crunchy before a big meal.

We started with the Onion Pakora (finely sliced onion pieces marinated in spices, deep fried and served with fresh salad) and the Kebab Resilo (skewered minced lamb with freshly ground spices, cooked in a Tandoor to seal in the flavour, and served piping hot with a salad garnish). ?Both were delicious. ?The Pakora was extremely light (you?ll hear me use this word again and again in this review) and the kebab had great flavour, albeit too much for me to eat as a starter.

We ordered a glass of both the house red and white wine which was pleasant but unremarkable. ?But not so unremarkable to stop a second glass being ordered. ?And then the main courses arrived.

Now I love Indian food, but like many Brits we?re pathetic when it comes to spicy food, so both of us ordered mild creamy dishes.

The Butter Chicken (tandoor cooked chicken finished in a red masala sauce with garlic, ginger, methi and black salt) was light yet full of flavour. ?My dining partner very rarely strays from the good old chicken korma and really enjoyed this dish. ?Their signature dish, the Royal Rara (whole chicken breast opened out and wrapped around a king prawn in a ?masala sauce) was slightly heavier and a touch overcooked, yet still good.

On balance we preferred the Butter Chicken but both hit the spot. ?The pilau rice was perfectly cooked and we ordered a plain naan that for once didn?t feel like eating a duvet of bread, it was almost delicate.

Normally by this point in an Indian meal I cannot move for the weight of the ?meal. ?But even though the portions were all generous, the weight of the food wasn?t killing me. ?The secret to this lightness, or so they told me, is that they cook with olive oil and care about fresh ingredients and it allowed me to tuck into an ice-cream dessert courtesy of Movenpick. ?It was reasonably good, but the only thing not prepared on site and therefore it seemed very slightly below par. ?Perhaps I should have ordered something a little more traditional!

All in all, Rara is an excellent restaurant. ?The service was perfectly balanced between attentive and ?spacious? and the food hit the spot. ?I can?t believe how long it?s taken me to go there, but I will definitely be returning, and giving their takeaway a try.



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Top Ten Creepy Authors For Hallowe'en | Fuel Your Writing

Everyone loves a scary story.

Many authors have spun tales of haunted houses, ghosts and ghouls, and things that go bump in the night. But only a few can weave tales the leave you lying awake at night (and still checking under your bed) years after you first heard that soft creeeeaaak as the binding of the book swung open.


Searching the shelves at your local bookstore for a good Hallowe?en read can yield a lot of results, and a lot of rubbish. Every store puts those specials-of-the-month right on the end-caps to sell lots of copies. But the best isn?t always the most profitable and thus not always right out front. Often it is the buried treasures and hidden secrets that yield the most reward? if you dare journey to seek them out.

Dive into the catacombs with me and dust off a few old treasures to find a Hallowe?en read that will chill you to the bone:

Neil Gaiman

Some may say weird, some may say odd, but if you like the classic Tim Burton brand of creepy, then Neil Gaiman is the author for you! How about a boy who grows up in a cemetery after his parents are murdered? Or a girl who slips into an ?other? world of button-eyed freaks?

From short stories, to comic books, to full novels, both fiction and non-fiction, Neil Gaiman has a unique view of the world that will keep you wondering just what he was thinking? in a very good way!

Clive Barker

If you say his name five times while looking in the mirror he will appear? or at least his character of the Candyman will. Spurting bloody titles like, The Midnight Meat Train, The Book of Blood, and The Damnation Game, Barker has been anointed by Stephen King as ?the future of horror.? These tales will certainly get your guts churning with that queasy feeling that someone could be under your bed.

Thomas Harris

?When the fox hears the rabbit scream he comes a-runnin?, but not to help.? ? Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs


Creating the character of Dr. Hannibal Lector, one of film and literature?s most hair-raising psychopaths, Thomas Harris has expanded his mythic character over four novels, each diving further into the twisted mind of the epic anti-hero. While it is hard to separate the book from the film, especially with Anthony Hopkins? Academy Award-winning hissing, the books are so vivid in their description you?ll feel everything along with every character and even find yourself cheering for a cannibal.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter is frequently on a high school student?s required reading list, but don?t let reading Hawthorne become a chore. Dr. Heidegger?s Experiment warns of what can happen when you discover the fountain of youth. The House of Seven Gables may sound sweet and romantic, until you realize it?s about living with guilt, self-destruction, and witchcraft. Young Goodman Brown tells of a mysterious errand in the woods that leads to one man?s eyes being opened and his complete loss of faith in humanity. Just what happened out there? Let this classic author take you on a journey that will make your heart skip a beat, and second-guess everything around you.

Shirley Jackson

If you won the lottery, that would be a good thing right? Not in Shirley Jackson?s world! Her classic story, The Lottery, tells of a town making sacrifices to help the fall crops. The Haunting of Hill House has been adapted into horror films not once, but twice! These stories that warn of the dangers of conformity and trusting your intuition make Shirley Jackson a surefire bet for a creepy read.

Dante Alighieri

His Divine Comedy is a benchmark in world literature. With one epic poem, Dante solidified his place in history. Combining Dante?s words with Gustave Dor??s engravings, has defined our cultural imagery of Hell. If you want to witness the underworld in its most pure form, without visiting there yourself, take a peek at an illustrated Divine Comedy, if you dare!

George Orwell

Because of Orwell, one year is synonymous with a dystopian future and gave us all something to fear: 1984. And if that?s not enough, add in Animal Farm.

Telling tales of caution for our future, Orwell scared an entire generation? just, it seems, not enough to make the necessary changes to avoid the social structures he warned about. Assuming they were avoidable at all.

Edgar Allen Poe

A beating heart, a swinging pendulum, a cask of wine, and of course a raven. Poe?s name stands virtually synonymous with the idea of creepy. As gothic as they are violent, as shadowy as they are subtle, his work reads as tortured as his characters and his soul.

?Quoth the raven, ?Nevermore.??

Bram Stoker & Mary Shelley

All together separate, but unified together thanks to Hollywood, Stoker?s Dracula and Shelley?s Frankenstein are forever joined (and tied on this list) as classic mythical monsters. Thanks to gothic imagery, themes of humanity at its darkest, and of course the classic Universal Horror Films, Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley almost double-handedly defined nearly two centuries of horror. Look no further for a classic Halloween treat.

Stephen King

The legend himself. Not only will you find him on the best-seller list, and on those pesky profit-making end-caps, but his work will keep you looking over your shoulder.

From rabid dogs, to haunted cars, to hotels that make you go mad, King is the epitome of the horror genre. Carrie, The Stand, The Shining, Cujo, It, Pet Sematary, Night Shift, Firestarter, The Dead Zone? each a chilling classic. Need I go on?

?All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?
All work and no play??


What scary books do you like to read at Hallowe?en? Please share your favorite horrifying tales in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Stephanie Massaro and HarpyMarx.

Between his job as a video editor and his hobby as a digital creative, Eric Kuentz thrives on the continuous quest for self-improvement.


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To Kiss, or Not to Kiss? - Dating as a Single Parent - Christian Single ...

?Dad, did you kiss her??

?Of course not, we?ve only gone out a few times.?

?Then what did you do when the date was over??

?I walked her to the door, gave Karen a quick hug goodnight, put my?hands in my pocket and walked back to the car. I was nervous!?

They laughed. ?Dad you?re such a geek! You?re supposed to kiss her?and stuff to see if you really like her.?

?No,? I argued. ?I do that later because I like her. Affection is not an?experiment; it is an expression.?

A few weeks later, I recalled the conversation and complained about?today?s culture with a friend of mine. ?Think about it,? he said. ?Parents talk?to their kids about dating until they?re blue in the face, but you have a?chance to actually show them. Few children ever get to see their parents?date. What an opportunity!?

He?s right. Single parents are the best role models for teaching their?children about dating. We can preach to them about boundaries, respect andpurity, but when they watch us living out these commitments, they are truly?influenced.

A few months after I married Karen, my two teenage daughters and I?talked about dating. I asked them, ?Girls, what did I do right when I was?dating Karen?? They told me what I did right from their perspective, and?also what I did wrong. We had a marvelous conversation, and in the process?we discovered some good guidelines for single-parent dating.

1. Phone Home

Keep your kids informed, and share your feelings with your children.?If there are information gaps, they will fill them in with their imaginations.?And quite often their imaginations can be pretty bleak, especially if they are?influenced by the horror stories of some of their friends or ? even worse ??the media.

Don?t feel that you have to tell them the personal details, but let them?know your fears, hopes and dreams. On the other hand, don?t involve them?so much that their hearts break more than yours if things don?t work out.

Maintain privacy, not secrets. My girls said they appreciated the fact?that they could ask me about my dates and I would tell them, from?beginning to end, what we did and where we went. There were no secrets.But when I was asked to reveal some of the things Karen and I talked about,?I told them only general topics. I explained that some conversations were?private, and I was sure they understood why I kept them between Karen and?myself. They understood.

2. Bring Home

Keep your children in mind when you are out. Bring them something?from the date, like a dessert you know they would enjoy. Treat a night out?like a mini-vacation: Never come back empty-handed. Bringing a little?something for your kids makes them feel as if they were part of your outing?and you were thinking of them.?

It also demonstrates to your date how important your children are to?you. If he or she doesn?t understand that your kids are your priority right off?the bat, there may be trouble later. The sooner your date realizes your heart?is completely committed to your young ones at home, the sooner he or she?will be able to settle into a relationship based on that truth.

3. Stay Home

Have a pizza and movie night once things are going well enough to?let your kids become vulnerable. Let them see you hang out on a sofa andwatch television. Sweats, stocking feet, throw pillows, blankets and popcorn?while you watch a movie are ingredients of typical family life. While it is?important not to rush, everyday experiences can be good for everyone. This?is when things begin to seem real and normal. You are casual, and the kids?are part of the growing relationship in their own environment.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Additive restores antibiotic effectiveness against MRSA

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Researchers from North Carolina State University have increased the potency of a compound that reactivates antibiotics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), an antibiotic-resistant form of Staphylococcus that is notoriously difficult to treat. Their improved compound removes the bacteria's antibiotic resistance and allows the antibiotic to once again become effective at normal dosage levels.

NC State chemist Christian Melander had previously proven the effectiveness of a 2-aminoimidazole compound in reactivating antibiotics against resistant bacterial strains. However, the original compound was not potent enough. In his latest work, described in a paper appearing in Angewandte Chemie, Melander, research assistant professor Roberta Worthington and graduate student Tyler Harris have solved the potency issue, bringing them one step closer to in vivo testing.

"You measure antibiotic effectiveness by growing bacteria in the presence of an antibiotic," Melander says. "The concentration you typically want to observe is about one microgram per milliliter or less of the antibiotic to halt bacterial growth. At that point the bacterial strain is considered susceptible to and treatable by that antibiotic. If a higher concentration of antibiotic is required to halt bacterial growth, the bacterial strain in question is considered untreatable. Some of the MRSA strains we work with require 512 micrograms per milliliter of the antibiotic of choice to control growth ? 500 times over the limit. Adding our compound brought the level down to one microgram per milliliter again."

The compound works by short-circuiting the bacteria's ability to mount a defense against the antibiotic. When antibiotics interact with bacteria, receptors on the surface of the bacteria identify the antibiotic as a threat and the bacteria can then choose what to do to survive. MRSA either creates a biofilm or makes genetic changes that prevent the antibiotic from disrupting its cell structure. According to Melander, "We believe that our compound renders the bacteria unable to recognize the antibiotic as a threat, essentially stopping the defensive process before it can begin."


North Carolina State University:

Thanks to North Carolina State University for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Hard Facts: My TV Friends Are Ruining My Life | MWF Seeking ...

October 17, 2012 ? 10:23 pm

It?s Research Wednesday! Where I share the latest, or most fascinating, in the science of friendship.

?The status of a romantic relationship could be in jeopardy if the couple or an individual in the relationship are frequent television watchers, according to a study from Albion College. ?? (?When TV and Marriage Meet: TV?s Negative Impact on Romantic Relationships,?? 9/18/2012)

What does this have to do with friendship? Nothing specifically. Except that the same TV factors that are screwing up marriages are messing with friendship, too.

Listen. I?m not one to hate on TV. I lurve me some TV. (These days,?Parenthood, The Voice, Grey?s Anatomy,?and?SVU?are high on the list.) But I absolutely believe that my all-time favorite shows ?Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Sex and the City? directly impacted my friendship expectations. According to this study, fans of popular shows like?Burn Notice, True Blood and?The Big Bang Theory?are ?less committed to their spouses and think alternatives to their spouses are relatively attractive.?

Similarly, TV portrayals of friendship make us think what we have isn?t enough. Why can?t we find our BFFs across the hall at a moment?s notice? Or go to McLaren?s Pub together, every day? How is it that I don?t have three ladies to eat brunch with every. single. Sunday?

It took me a year and an entire book to realize that the best friendships I adore on TV (Meredith and Christina, anyone?) aren?t necessarily realistic. That if I hold all my adult friendships to that standard I might never be content. So I certainly believe this marriage research ? and I would encourage the researchers to look into friendship next. Dr. Jeremy Osborn, who authored this study, said: ?I found that people who believe the unrealistic portrayals on TV are actually less committed to their spouses.? I bet those who believe in the TV friendships are less committed too, because they don?t realize that the relationships they have might be the real true BFF thing! It?s tricky stuff.

What do you think? Do TV relationships skew your expectations of friendship? Which TV friendship do you hope to emulate in real life?

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Get droopy eyelid treated with eyelift |


Droopy eyelid is a condition that is faced by quite a few people although it is not as common as some of the other issues that we see. The condition is exactly what the name says ? someone?s eyelids seem droopy as they cover part of the white portion of the eye. It feels that the person is permanently sleepy. The reasons for this could be many and if not treated this condition can give rise to other complications. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure through which this condition can be treated. Commonly referred to as eyelift blepharoplasty is a rather simple operation that has a high success rate.



Droopy eyelid is caused when the muscles that lift the eyelid are not strong enough. These muscles, levator and M?ller?s muscles, sometimes become weak and they cannot lift the eyelid to the desired levels. This can be caused temporarily when someone has been keeping awake continuously for very long hours. This can also be a congenital condition and can be seen in some children too. And this can happen among aged people whose muscles become loose due to age. However, it is not good to ignore this condition and eyelift surgery or blepharoplasty should be conducted as soon as possible. Astigmatism and amblyopia can happen if the condition is not treated on time.



There are many effects of droopy eyelid. Someone may face loss of vision because their eyes are not open fully as they should be. It can cause a lot of strain on the eyes when someone is trying to read something for a long time. This causes headaches. Moreover, the eyebrow also gets misshaped due to this condition and may give someone a weird look.



The most famous example of droopy eyelid is perhaps Droopy the dog himself. If you have watched Droopy cartoons you would know what it means to have eyelids that seem half open. The condition is also called lazy eye because someone suffering from this condition always looks as if they are too lazy to even open their eyes.



Blepharoplasty or eyelift surgery is a process where excess skin and tissue on the eyelid are either removed or repositioned. At the same time the muscles are also fortified. This ensures that the eyelid can now go up to the desired level and the condition of lazy eye is taken care of.



Although mostly associated with cosmetic surgery blepharoplasty is also conducted for functional reasons. Eyelift surgery is needed by those people that face all the difficulties because their eyelids don?t go up as much as they should. Eye surgeons that have experience in eye cosmetic surgery are the ones that conduct these surgeries. The time needed for this procedure is anywhere between an hour to three hours. The initial recovery period is a few days and total recovery may take a few weeks to a few months. However, the success rate is very high.



Eyelift surgery is must when you have been suffering from droopy eyelid. The faster it is done the better it is for you.


If you have been suffering from droopy eyelid the faster you go through your eyelift surgery the better it is for you.



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Monday, October 15, 2012

Opposition aims for headway in Russian local vote


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Asian shares rise, growth worries weigh

TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares rose on Tuesday but gains were moderated by concerns over global growth prospects, especially in the world's second-biggest economy China, and expected weak U.S. corporate earnings.

The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan added 0.5 percent, pulled higher by Hong Kong and China shares which rose 1.1 percent and 2 percent, respectively, on hopes of more steps to support the market from Beijing.

European shares are expected to gain as well, with a 0.2 percent rise in U.S. stock futures suggesting a solid start on Wall Street. Financial spreadbetters expected London's FTSE 100, Paris's CAC-40 and Frankfurt's DAX to open as much as 0.5 percent higher.

"Asian equities markets are feeling the positive effects from the recent global easing, prompting investors to buy the region's stocks which have remained undervalued," said Hirokazu Yuihama, a senior strategist at Daiwa Securities.

"Weak third-quarter corporate earnings, as well as a slowdown in the Chinese growth rate to below or around 8 percent have already been noted in various reports - reasons why further monetary easing took place. But the outlook for sluggish fundamentals will likely limit the markets' upside."

Australian shares rose 0.6 percent to a fresh 14-month high, as a jump in iron ore prices lifted miners and helped offset concerns about global economic growth.

The International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast on Tuesday to a 3.3 percent expansion for 2012, down from its July estimate of 3.5 percent, making it the slowest year of growth since 2009. It warned U.S. and European policymakers that failure to fix their economic ills would prolong the slump.

The IMF's World Economic Outlook preceded its twice-yearly meeting scheduled in Tokyo later this week, and followed a similarly grim report from the World Bank, which on Monday cut forecasts for the East Asia and Pacific region.

"A lot of investors are underweight China in their portfolios so any talk on QFII is likely to encourage them to start getting involved again," said Tom Kaan, a director at Louis Capital Markets in Hong Kong, referring to quotas for offshore investors to directly access China's domestic markets.

Tokyo's Nikkei stock average bucked the trend with a 0.9 percent slide on concerns about earnings. The Japanese corporate earnings season begins later in the month while the U.S. third-quarter corporate earnings reporting season starts on Tuesday.

Oil prices jumped, with U.S. crude oil futures rising $1 to $90.33 while Brent climbed towards $113.

"Right now the market is concerned about the continuing conflict between Syria and Turkey, and the worry is that if it escalates, it may disrupt Brent supplies," said Ker Chung Yang, senior investment analyst at Phillip Futures in Singapore.

London copper rose 0.6 percent to $8,230 a tonne.


A recovery in equities pulled riskier currencies higher.

The euro inched up 0.1 percent to $1.2985 and the risk-sensitive and commodity-related Australian dollar gained 0.4 percent to $1.0224, off Monday's three-month low of $1.0149.

Uncertainty over whether Spain will request external aid to help streamline its huge public debt remained after euro zone finance ministers met on Monday to discuss issues related to the region's debt crisis, including what needs to be done to establish a single supervisory authority for euro zone banks.

The finance ministers launched their permanent 500 billion euro bailout fund on Monday but said Spain, the country widely expected to be first to draw on it, was taking steps to overhaul its economy and did not need a bailout for now.

"Markets look as if they are tiring of the current stand off between Spain and Europe on the details of bailouts etc ... This may start to drag more on equity/commodity markets in the sessions ahead," Westpac Institutional Bank said in a research note. The European Central Bank's new programme to buy bonds of struggling euro zone states, aimed at reducing their borrowing costs, is conditional on the countries asking for help.

Greece, which was the focus of market jitters before Spain, said international lenders are considering giving the country two more years to reach its budget deficit reduction targets, and the extra time could be financed without more money from the euro zone.

Investors have preferred buying higher-yielding credit products with growth prospects than equities, and may eye the Philippines, Asia's largest issuer of sovereign debt in the global market, which is set to return this month with a $1 billion global peso note offer.

Asian credit markets steadied, with the spread on the iTraxx Asia ex-Japan investment-grade index marginally wider by 1 basis point.

(Additional reporting by Ramya Venugopal in Singapore and Vikram Subhedar in Hong Kong; Editing by Jacqueline Wong)


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China vs. Japan: Global economy could be the loser

Str / AFP - Getty Images

What the fuss is all about. A dispute over these islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China in the East China Sea, could drag the global economy down with it.

By John W. Schoen, NBC News

A deepening dispute between China and Japan over a cluster of tiny uninhabited islands, some no bigger than rocks jutting out of the East China Sea, threatens to throw one more (big) monkey wrench into the slowing machinery of the global economy.

The origins of the dispute date back centuries but came to a head last month?after Japan?nationalized the tiny islands, called Senkaku in Japan, the world's No. 3 economy,?and Diaoyu in China, the world's No. 2 economy. The move set off violent protests in at least two dozen Chinese cities.?Angry mobs torched a Panasonic factory,?looted several Japanese retail outlets and burned Toyota and Honda car dealerships.

The resulting boycott of Japanese goods has brought a sharp contraction in Japanese exports to mainland China as the gunboat confrontation on the high seas has morphed into a wider economic front. On Tuesday, Japanese carmakers reported sales cratered in September ?- Toyota's numbers were cut in half ?- in what some analysts warn is just a preview of the looming fallout from the high-stakes confrontation. ?

As the Asia-Pacific economy has become?increasingly interdependent, other countries could soon feel the blowback, including Europe and the U.S., both of which have economic woes of their own.

?The fallout is increasing and it?s not the way forward for the region,? said Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Global Insight. ?The impact on the region could be significant.?

The impact of a Chinese boycott would fall hardest on Japan, where economic growth slowed sharply in the second quarter and is expected to continue to decline. China represents an important market for Japan?s export-reliant economy. Last year, roughly 20 percent of Japanese semiconductor exports were sold to Chinese manufacturers.

?This (economic conflict) can and will cost the woebegone Japanese economy dearly it the form of export,? said Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics.

Chinese visitors have also become an increasingly important part of the Japanese tourism industry, according to Parag Khanna, an economist and senior researcher at the New America Foundation.

?A large part of the increase in tourism to Japan in recent years has been from China because of diminished visa restrictions,? he said. ?If that goes down, it?s really a double whammy for Japan at a time when they don?t really need that.?

Beyond the long-standing political hostilities, the fight over these barren islands is about more than a tiny patch of remote real estate. The battle for control includes the international rights to develop substantial underwater oil and natural gas, which are critical resources to both countries? energy-hungry economies.

Natural resources could also become a weapon for the Chinese, who control an estimated 90 percent of a series of so-called rare earth elements ? minerals with almost-unpronounceable names that are critical to the production of everything from hybrid cars to flat-panel TVs. Last month, the Chinese government cut the number of mining permits for rare earth elements by a third. By tightening exports of those materials, China could leave Japanese manufacturers scrambling to head off shortages, or paying higher prices.

But an economic strike against Japan?s supply chain could quickly backfire on Beijing and reverberate throughout the Chinese economy, according to Biswas.

?The bigger concern is the longer term impact on supply chains,? he said. ?A lot of Japanese investment -- about $80 billion -- has gone into China in the last 15 years and a lot of that is supply chain for their big multinationals.?

?If they decide to move away from China, that?s going to hurt Chinese jobs as well,? he added.

No matter who comes out on top in this Asian economic slugfest, the global economy can ill-afford any further slowdown in trade, especially one involving two of the world?s largest economies. Last month, the World Trade Organization said global trade will grow by just 2.5 percent this year, dragged down by Europe to less than half of the previous 20-year average. That?s down from a prior estimate of 3.7 percent made in April. The WTO also cut its growth forecast for 2013 global trade to 4.5 percent growth from 5.6 percent.

With the global engine of trade slowing, the outlook for the overall economy is also darkening. On Tuesday, officials at the International Monetary Fund, meeting in Tokyo, said the global economic slowdown is worsening and cut their growth forecasts for the second time since April. The IMF warned both U.S. and European policymakers that failure to fix their economic ills would prolong the slump. What little momentum exists is coming primarily from central banks, the IMF said in its World Economic Outlook

The IMF cut its forecast for world GDP growth this year to 3.3 percent, down from 3.5 percent in April.

Some private economists think those numbers will likely come down even further.

?While the IMF has reduced its forecast for next year, we believe it is still over-optimistic about the chances of a global recovery,? said Andrew Kenningham, senior global economist at Capital Economics.

CNBC's Phil LeBeau reports Japanese carmakers Toyota, Nissan and Honda are cutting their China production by 50 percent.


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No comments - Tax, Finance, CE, CPE, EA, CPA, CFP Blog

Ladehoff v. Commissioner, TC Summ. Op. 2012-15 (February 27, 2012)

David Ladehoff and his wife had a stormy romance and were divorced in 2009. When the IRS assessed a tax deficiency regarding their 2008 joint return, David claimed that he was an “innocent spouse” and should not therefore be liable for the tax. As it turns out, members of his ex-wife’s family had provided childcare for the couple’s children. Although he prepared the return, his wife is the one who provided him with the information about the childcare expenses and he was browbeaten into falsifying the wages paid to his in-laws on Schedule H, resulting in the tax liability. After all, his wife was a bully who had abused him both physically and emotionally. Nonetheless, the IRS denied David’s claim for innocent spouse relief, and the Tax Court agreed.


When a joint return has been filed, innocent spouse relief from the collection of tax related to the return may be available under Code section 6015. There are actually three different types of relief, all of which are taught in enrolled agent courses. Code section 6015(b) provides for the traditional type of relief and is applicable to an understatement of tax attributable to an erroneous item of the non-requesting spouse on a joint return. Additionally, a key fact learned from enrolled agent exam prep on this subject is that the requesting spouse has to show that he or she had no knowledge, or no reason to know, of the understatement at the time he or she signed the return. Although David claimed that his ex-wife falsified the childcare information, he could not prove it. Besides, the understatement was due to his use of the incorrect employment tax percentages applied to the amount of childcare expenses reported, so any misinformation was irrelevant to the liability. To boot, since David prepared the return himself, he could hardly claim that he had no knowledge of the understatement. David could have averted the tax understatement by simply hiring a professional who met tax preparer continuing education requirements to make an accurate tax calculation on the childcare wages. The second type of relief is available under Code section 6015(c) and is often referred to in enrolled agent education courses as “separation of liability.” Although liability on a joint return is joint and several, meaning that the IRS can collect the full amount from either spouse, this provision allows the IRS to apportion liability. The taxpayer must be divorced, legally separated, or living apart for 12 months or more to request this type of relief. As with 6015(b) relief, the requesting spouse must have no knowledge, or reason to know, of the understatement. Again, David is the
one who made the mathematical error on the return that resulted in the tax deficiency, so no separation of liability relief for him. Finally, Code section 6015(f) provides for so-called “equitable relief.” This is sort of a catchall provision that a tax professional who has become an enrolled agent may advise a client to use when the other types of relief do not apply. For example, equitable relief may be available for an underpayment as well as an understatement.  One argument that can be made under this form of relief is that the requesting spouse was subject to abuse and did not challenge the treatment of the items on the return for fear of retaliation from the non-requesting spouse.
David pointed out that he had filed not one, but two police reports against his ex-wife for domestic battery. The court noted, however, that the first incident occurred in July, nearly a year before he filed the return in question. The second did not occur until after the couple was divorced. In both cases David refused to press charges and, more importantly, no allegations of abuse were made during the couple's divorce proceedings. As such, the court determined that David’s abuse did not rise to the level that would reasonably put him in sufficient fear of retaliation to keep him from challenging the items on the return.


Innocent spouse relief is only available when:
  1. A joint return has been filed
  2. The taxpayer is divorced
  3. The taxpayer knows about the understatement
  4. Abuse allegations are made

Answer: a

IRS Circular 230 Disclosure Pursuant to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service Circular 230, we inform you that, to the extent any advice relating to a Federal tax issue is contained in this communication, including in any attachments, it was not written or intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (a) avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) promoting, marketing or recommending to another person any transaction or matter addressed in this communication.


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Steve Ballmer just wrote a letter to Microsoft shareholders about the future of Microsoft and to update them on how much money they're printing with Office and the Enterprise market. The letter is mostly a bore fest but Ballmer points Microsoft's future towards devices. Meaning, Microsoft believes in making actual stuff. More »


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Iran says it blocks cyberattack on oil platforms

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iran says it has successfully blocked a cyberattack on the computer network of its offshore drilling platforms, a semiofficial news agency reported Monday.

The report by ISNA quoted Mohammad Reza Golshani, IT head of Iran's state offshore oil company, as blaming Israel for having planned the attack.

Iran periodically reports the discovery of viruses and other malicious programs in government, nuclear, oil and industrial networks, blaming Israel and the United States. In May, Iran shut down part of its oil facilities because of another such cyberattack.

Israel has done little to deflect suspicion that it uses viruses against Iran.

In this case, Golshani said, the attack occurred over the past two weeks, was routed through China, and affected only the communications systems of the network. He said the main network was safe since it was isolated from the Internet, and was back to normal operations. Iran announced that it had temporarily disconnected its oil ministry and its main crude export terminal from the Internet after the May attack.

Iran earns up to 80 percent of its foreign revenue from the export of crude.

Iran is odds with the West over its nuclear program. The West suspects the program is aimed at developing weapons. Tehran denies the charge, saying its nuclear program is geared toward peaceful purposes like power generation and cancer treatment.

A computer worm known as Stuxnet briefly brought Iran's uranium enrichment activity to a halt in 2010.


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Tv Meio Ambiente | Fight to save nature reserve from drug gangs

Central America?s largest expanse of intact rainforest is under threat from organised crime

The 200-foot summit of Temple IV in the ancient Maya city of Tikal provides a spectacular view of Central America?s largest expanse of intact rainforest. In the late afternoon, spider monkeys dangle from nearby branches, stretching to pick small fruits. The guttural barks of howler monkeys echo through the canopy ? a lush green broken only by the occasional flash of lemon yellow from a swooping toucan.

This lowland forest is the heart of the Maya Biosphere Reserve of northern Guatemala, a 2.1 million-hectare (5.2 million-acre) sanctuary that covers 19 percent of the country and contains roughly 60 percent of its protected area. The UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve sustains a wide array of biodiversity, most notably the last remaining population of a key subspecies of scarlet macaw.

But this magnificent creature and others that inhabit the reserve ? jaguars, pumas, Guatemalan black howler monkeys, Baird?s tapirs ? are being pressured not just by the standard threats common to tropical regions, such as illegal logging, fires, and commercial hunting. Even more virulent forces are gnawing away at the Maya Biosphere Reserve, including Mexican drug cartels that cut into the forest to build airstrips to transport drugs, Salvadoran gangs that carve out huge cattle ranches to launder drug money, and Chinese organized crime groups moving their illegal logging network toward the reserve to supply Asian markets with prime tropical hardwoods.

As a result, this natural and cultural treasure ? the heart of the Selva Maya, a forest spanning the borders of Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize ? has in recent years effectively been cut in two. The western side, which includes two of the reserve?s five national parks and is bordered on the west and the north by Mexico, is under siege, according to Guatemalan park officials. The eastern part of the reserve, where Tikal rises above the jungle canopy and which borders Belize, is lush and intact.

?The story of the Maya Biosphere Reserve has increasingly become a tale of two reserves ? one of conservation successes and one of failures,? says Roan McNab, director of the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society?s (WCS) Guatemala program. McNab is a pivotal figure in a coalition of Guatemalan and foreign conservation groups battling to preserve the eastern half of the reserve and claw back some of the denuded lands of the western sector.

Much is at stake, as the reserve and the surrounding Selva Maya are the largest block of intact forest north of the Amazon Basin. The reserve supports 513 of Guatemala?s bird species (71 percent of the national total), 122 mammal species (64 percent), 95 reptile species (39 percent), and more than 80 species of neotropical migrant birds from North America. It enshrouds Tikal, a national park and World Heritage Site, and hundreds of other vestiges of Mayan civilization.

The international coalition struggling to preserve the heart of the reserve has enjoyed some important successes. Scarlet macaws are making a comeback thanks to intensive restoration efforts. The presence of the civilian government and military has grown. Prosecution of environmental crimes is up, albeit slightly. And community-based forest concessions have brought some rural Guatemalans sustainable income and empowered them in managing parts of the reserve.

?There?s a greater social awareness now of the importance of preserving environmental stability,? says Rolman Hernandez, director of the Pet?n region of Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP), the Guatemalan park service. The reserve covers more than half of the Pet?n, the largest and northernmost of Guatemala?s 22 departments, or provinces.

The region that became the Maya Biosphere Reserve was once a vast mix of lowland rainforest, wetlands, lagoons, lakes, rivers, and mangrove forests. As many as 2 million people lived here at the peak of Mayan civilization, around 800 A.D., archeologists estimate. Then came the Mayan decline and Spanish conquest.

Until the 1960s, the region consisted of a few isolated forest villages. Then roads, built mainly to access oil and timber, opened the the area to illegal colonization and slash-and-burn agriculture. The reserve was created in 1990 to help control deforestation, but CONAP, financially strapped and often overruled by government officials friendly to the ranchers, has been hampered in its attempts to control the wave of destruction, McNab and others say. Today the human population is 118,000, with most living in poverty.

Criminal activity in the area began to intensify a decade ago, further accelerating the destruction of the western half of the reserve. An important factor is that northern Guatemala is ideally situated to refuel drug aircraft flying from South America and transfer narcotics to trucks for the easy drive to Mexico. The cartels operated in a ?climate of impunity? since the army and police lacked the power to take them on, McNab says. The ranchers built dozens of airstrips, including one dubbed the ?international airport,? which had three runways and more than a dozen abandoned aircraft. The result was a loss of 40,000 hectares of forest.

Guatemalans have developed a new term for what?s happening in the region: narcoganaderia, a combination of the Spanish words for drugs and cattle ranching. The cartels launder drug money by investing in cattle production and reaping profits from cattle sales in Mexican markets.

CONAP officials say evidence of the work of Chinese-backed criminal groups lies in the yard behind the agency?s Pet?n headquarters, in San Benito. The yard is crowded with timber and confiscated vehicles. Victor Penados, CONAP?s coordinator of control and vigilance for the reserve, points to a pile of rosewood confiscated from suppliers to Chinese criminal groups. The wood comes from one of several recent timber-smuggling busts by the government reported in national news media. This pile, confiscated from a truck delivering the wood to the Caribbean seaport of Puerto San Tomas de Castillo for shipment to China, has a market value of $125,000, Penados estimates.

Operatives with Chinese criminal cartels have been conducting illegal logging just south of the reserve, according to CONAP. McNab fears it won?t be long before the Chinese-backed groups start cutting inside the reserve itself and then turn to intensive jaguar poaching for body parts to serve a Chinese market that is already driving Asian big cats toward extinction.

This conservation drama is playing out under extreme conditions. CONAP and WCS staffers have been threatened many times. Some have been taken hostage, while others have had to ?disappear? for several weeks after raids to reclaim illegally acquired ranchland. McNab himself was held at gunpoint by two looters of a Mayan ruin deep in the jungle. I was accompanied into the forest with as many as five armed security guards as we traveled near cartel ranches. Always in the back of my mind were the nation?s poverty, corruption, history of dictatorship, lawlessness, and 36-year civil war, which ended in 1996.

The influence of illegal logging and ranching in the reserve is evident in a series of three CONAP land-use maps showing a wave of fires and land clearing that gobbled up large green swaths of forest from 2000 to 2011, especially in the western section. McNab warns that if law enforcement does not improve, the reserve faces a ?chain of falling dominoes threatening to sweep eastward all the way to Guatemala?s border with Belize.?

Nowhere is the tale of two reserves more visible than at the Guacamayas Biological Station in Laguna del Tigre National Park. To the south, across the Rio San Pedro and beyond, stretches a vast plain of ranchland, the raw result of deforestation. To the north, the rainforest canopy rolls untattered all the way to the border with Mexico. In 2008, scientists discovered a 1,100-hectare clear-cut smack in the middle of that expanse. It turned out to be a large cattle ranch linked to a Salvadoran gang involved in drug trafficking.

Such forest destruction has in recent decades reduced by 75 percent the habitat of the region?s scarlet macaws, a subspecies of the scarlet macaws found farther south in Latin America and the last remaining macaws in the wild in Guatemala. By 2000, scarlet macaws had nearly been extirpated in the reserve. A 2003 WCS study estimated that the population, mostly centered in the forest to the east of Laguna del Tigre park, had dropped to 200 birds. That year, the researchers monitored 15 nests, but only one chick successfully fledged.

But a program of predator control, environmental education in local schools, and hand-rearing by veterinarians brought the number of successful macaw fledglings to 29 in 2011 and 49 for this year?s nesting season. Says McNab, ?We feel pretty good about adding that number of birds to the population. That?s big in terms of saving the species.?

To halt continuing deforestation, CONAP and its allies have established what they call ?the Shield? ? a lattice of trails running along the eastern border of Laguna del Tigre park, anchored by three major bases for patrols by CONAP, the army, national police, and others. Patrols and arrests have risen steadily over the past four years.

If the success or failure of the Shield will determine whether the western front of the reserve holds, what happens in villages like Uaxact?n will decide whether the eastern part will avoid destruction from within.

Uaxact?n, population 280, is one of 14 villages awarded government concessions more than a decade ago as part of an experiment in community-based forest management. The concessions, covering nearly one-fourth of the reserve, require residents to protect the forest ecosystem
and manage its wood and other resources sustainably.

The villagers must refrain from poaching, intensive logging, slash-and-burn farming, and other unsustainable practices, as well as patrol for and report any such illegal activity. In return, CONAP, WCS, and other groups provide technical and financial support for forest-product ventures. Dozens of residents now work in sustainable harvesting of timber, date palm fronds, chicle for chewing gum, and other non-timber products from the forest. Others work in the village sawmill and woodworking shop.

Village leaders say the concession is working well. But not all the concessions have been so successful, according to a study published in March in the journal Forest Ecology and Management. Among reasons for the problems were limited funding, the low CONAP budget, pressure from illegal ranching, and land speculation.

The effort in the village of Cruce a la Colorada was one of the failures. In 2010, disputes between ranchers and concession managers became so heated that concession members received death threats. A community leader was assassinated. In the ensuing climate of fear, the project collapsed.

But the conservation groups remain hopeful.

?You can grapple with these governance issues and you can have success,? McNab says. ?It takes an integrated strategy working with a huge suite of partners, but it can be done.?

Veja a Fonte da mat?ria


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UK Small Business Mobile Marketing Resource Launched | Oct 8 ...

London, England -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/08/2012 -- The United Kingdom has seen much growth in mobile marketing. Shoppers are spending more time on their mobile devices, locating products and making purchases. As a result, businesses are discovering that mobile marketing is an effective means of communicating with their customers. Small businesses, with smaller marketing budgets and lack of knowledge, have had a tougher time adopting mobile marketing strategies. Now there is a new resource aimed at small business owners who need help establishing an effective mobile marketing campaign.

This new resource is It brings together all the marketing tools and training to begin an effective mobile phone marketing campaign in one place. UK Mobile Marketing started specifically for small business owners who need assistance successfully navigating the world of mobile marketing. Strategies such as mobile website design, mobile app development and bulk SMS marketing are very cost-effective and a good place for small businesses to begin their mobile phone marketing plans.

An innovative mobile marketing video training course developed with small business owners in mind is available free of charge. The marketing course teaches small business owners how to use mobile marketing strategies to successfully attract new customers and bring in more revenue. The marketing tools that small business owners need are all included in this free marketing training course, including mobile marketing software.

The topics included in the free marketing training course include:

- Retail mobile coupon marketing strategies
- Restaurant sms text marketing plans
- Salon and Spa sms text message reminder service options
- Pub and Nightclub mobile websites and mobile app strategies
- Religious/Church mobile marketing ideas
- Real Estate QR code marketing strategies

The founder of UK Mobile Marketing is Mr. Michael Armstrong. He is a marketing professional who also developed and created the free video training course. Mr. Armstrong understands small business mobile marketing and the challenges of effectively managing a mobile marketing strategy. He created UK Mobile Marketing and the video training to help small business owners in the UK better understand and utilize mobile phone marketing into their overall business marketing plans. Mr. Armstrong hopes to take away the confusion that has surrounded mobile marketing and replace it with the clarity needed for success.

Company: UK Mobile Marketing
Contact: Michael Armstrong


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